So I was riding on the back of the scooter tonight with Ned as my driver when I passed a funny looking dog. I thought to myself, Ah...a Woolly Brumpus! Then I realized how long it had been since I had uttered those words, "WOOLLY BRUMPUS," and how funny and natural they sounded to me at the same time. I went on to tell Ned the definition of a woolly brumpus. He of course knew that my father was famous for inventing words, and has appropriated some of kadizzles lingo into his own speak. The true definition for a woolly brumpus would be a large, hairy, terrier like dog (also know as a fur brain) similar to the one pictured at the beginning of the post, that is...according to my father.
He, Lord Kadizzle, has also implanted into my memory a vivid image of a Crick pig. What is a Crick pig you ask? AND YES I do mean crick, not creek since my father is from west virginia. Well A crick pig is a large tusked water pig that preys on small children that go to close to any body of water, in our case the crick behind our house. Now I always brought some skepticism to this idea being that none of the neighborhood kids had ever confirmed a sighting. However all skepticism was laid to rest when I saw a shoe floating down the crick and my father told me, and a smaller neighborhood kid that some poor child had gotten too close.
My father also used to tell me stories of how he was originally from a planet called Lanulose. Who knows if it was past Pluto or between Mercury and Earth. I never fully believed him, but it did work as a reason he was so light sensitive.
Geechenhiemer was another invention of my father's. Geechenhiemer stories were my favorite. My dad would tell me stories of Geechenhiemer the hurdy gurdy man who would sell trinkets out of a pushcart. They appeared to be junk to most people, but in every story a young girl named Megan would purchase something from old Geechenhiemer that would turn out to have some sort of magical property and the adventure would begin.
I remember one time my father called me down to the basement of our house with excitement in his voice. "Megan, you have GOT to come down here and see what I found!" I of course was skeptical as anyone with a father like Kadizzle would be. Once downstairs I saw all these tiny footprints in baby powder scattered across the floor then up on an old speaker as if whoever it was had jumped. My dad said it must have been the boogie man. My first question was, "why isn't he wearing shoes?" My dad said, "well what do you mean...what do you think the boogie man looks like?" I had always envisioned the boogieman to be a cross between my Charlie Mcarthy vantriliquist doll and fred astaire with the power to disappear and reappear at random. I thought that he had a little cane and would do a dance number, thus the name "boogie" man. Ah...what a childhood with lord kadizzle as a father.